
today in alternative media.

how did i use alternative media today?

let's see.

- i read about the marc emery case in cannabis culture online.
- i wrote my MP joe fontana an email expressing my displeasure with this unjust intrusion on canadian sovereignty.
- i published that email on my other blog, and asked my canadian readers to send similar letters to their MPs; i also asked them to leave a comment if they did so.
- i did some research on google to find out about fair trade shops, and other alternative-type establishments in London. found out that Marc Emery used to own City Lights bookshop downtown. that's what actually inspired me to do the above things.
- i forwarded the contacts of the places that i found to the globalaware site, as per their request.
- indulged my addiction to seeing big juicy photographs on overgrow. subsequently was inspired to make judicious use of my cell phone, and engaged in some independent business transactions.
- continued reading the 'taxation is theft' thread and baiting libertarians on slacktivist's blog.
- skipped jauntily across the blogosphere: gizmodo, my friends' assorted blogs, these rather disturbing pictures of jessica simpson with assorted assault weaponry, and the intriguing "my neighbours are hoors" blog. amongst others.

volunteering for globalaware isn't exactly the most exciting thing. considering that i had planned for it to "be" my project... i'm pretty happy that i'm involved in enough other alternative media sources. that being said, it's kinda fun. i shall talk more about it at a future interval.

note that it's been six days since my last journal entry. so much for daily.

theme for project has been decided upon: "the apathetic student's guide to alternative media."



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