
interlude: wikipedia love

i haven't finished my last entry, really, yet. but just a brief thought: electricity is TOTALLY crazy. i mean, maybe i'm just ill-informed, but i have no idea how it works. and by going to the wikipedia entry on watt, i just went on an oddysey of trying recursively to find definitions of things i didn't understand in that definition, and eventually ended up at the definitions of such basic things as force and electromagnetism.

i don't understand physics at all.

this is what i'm doing at 2:17 am on a saturday night whilst my roommates and girlfriend are at the bar. haha, i'm such a nerd.

but there was a lineup! and i wanted to play hockey on the PS2 so my roommates didn't kick my ass so badly anymore.

this entry has officially blurred the line between academic exercise and random musing. hurrah!


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