
busy day.

so, this was supposed to be daily, but i'm a terrible slacker/procrastinator/general ne'er-do-well. and i missed two days. but i made up for it by having a ton to write about today! globalaware finally emailed me back! apparently they're "crazy busy" because they're setting up a shop in Toronto, which is clearly the centre of the universe. regardless, my heart was warmed by their thoughtful form letter. not only that, but they gave me something to do! apparently, i'm "just the type of person they need in London." what i'm supposed to do is to "find out who the good guys are and how we can get in touch with them." i guess they want me to find some partners for their organization in the city. shouldn't be too, too tricky - i know there's a fair trade shop a block from my house. there's a start. i find that usually if i can think of something offhand, when i do a bit of focused research i can find a ton of stuff. but that's for another night.

i've also got another media-related task for the day! eugene messaged me last night and asked me if i'd go to the illustrious salt lounge and cover a show by this apparently MIT-related (somehow) band, MUZO, for the November zine. i haven't exactly been won over by their propensity for spelling errors as displayed on the website, but, whatever. i need to do some stuff for this project! so i shall write an article for our delightful student publication, and we'll see how that goes. i'm a little worried, though... hahah. i'm not sure how well it'd go over if i totally dissed them in my article; here's hoping i like them enough to write something plausible. 'cos i'm not a very convincing liar. self-censorship rears its ugly head!

um, what else. my plan for this journal is that i'm going to try every day to at least document the various ways in which i've come into contact with arguably alternative media throughout the day.

thus far, then, i woke up and booted up my computer, whereupon i was greeted with my lovely google home page, featuring RSS feeds from Defamer, Daily Kos, Slashdot, and Wired, along with some more traditional news outlets. big news today on Kos being of course, nomination procedures for judge-to-be Alito. unsurprisingly, everyone on Kos thinks he is somewhere between Pol Pot and Stalin, on the evilness scale. i love to make fun of Kos almost as much as i love to read it. source of the vast majority of my news. i also checked out some links from the site, read a bit of michelle malkin for irony's sake (ha!! i refuse to link to her), and a couple of other blogs, some americablog and another one, the link to which eludes me at the moment. also did a bit of reading on overgrow during my break between classes, as well as some research on wikipedia for a stubborn essay on bertrand russell.

in any case, though, i've got another class to attend. so that is that for now!


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